37 North Restaurant Auction + Consignments
Nice restaurant to include restaurant equipment, dining/bar tables & chairs & more!
This ONLINE auction of equipment in 37 North & other restaurants in Va Beach & Norfolk will include: Alto-Sham smoker/slow cooker, Garland 10 burner gas stove with double oven, Vulcan 24″ char-grill, Vulcan 24″ flattop griddle, Vulcan french style gas range, Norlake walk-in freezer box, Beverage Air reach-in coolers, Bakers Pride IL Forno Classico FC-616 stone pizza oven – same specs as Y-600, Bakers Pride P44 stone pizza oven, Beverage Air cooler, True 2 door freezer, Hobart 2 door freezer, Vulcan countertop steamer, MC II 3 door cooler, Southbend stack convection ovens, Amana commercial microwave, dining tables, booths & chairs, cash register, small items. Inspection Monday, July 25th, 9am – 3pm @ 37 North Restaurant – 2105 W. Great Neck Rd., Virginia Beach, VA & 9am -3pm @ 509 W. 25th Street warehouse in Norfolk, VA. Inspection for Lots 66 & 67 by appointment only – call 757-512-8833 to schedule an inspection appointment. Pick up for lots 1-65 & lot 68, located @ 37 North Restaurant – 2105 W. Great Neck Road, Virginia Beach, VA will be on Thursday, July 28th, 9am til 3pm – NO exceptions. Pick up for lots 69-98, located @ 509 W. 25th St., Norfolk, VA will be on Thursday, July 28th, 1pm til 5pm – NO exceptions. Pick up for lot 66, located @ 2135 General Booth Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA – by appointment only. Pick up for lot 67, located @ 2220 Paramont Ave. #105, Chesapeake, VA – by appointment only. (Walk-in box & Bakers Pride FC-616 pizza oven must be pickup no later than Friday, July 29th by 5PM – NO exceptions). Auction catalog & bidding right here by Friday, July 15th.