Yamato Japanese Steakhouse, Va Bch, VA
This auction contains nice restaurant equipment and more!
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We will be auctioning ONLINE nice restaurant equipment from Yamato Japanese Steakhouse.
Auction to include: Several 48″ Jade Range flat-top Hibachi gas griddles w/approx. 8’L wraparound wooden tables, Captive Air island hood systems w/shared controls and fire bottles, Captive Aire exhaust hood, 10’L Captive Aire hood w/fire suppression system and fan, Hoshizaki 900lb ice machine w/large S/S bin, model #KM-900MAH, 69″ Beverage Air 2-tower, 4-keg draft beer box, model #DD68-1, 72″ Beverage Air 3-door under-the-counter bottle box, model #BB72, Imperial natural gas fryers, 70″L Jimex Corp S/S commercial refrigerator on wheels w/double S/S overshelf attached, model #S3BRR-18S, (4) S/S prep tables, MasterBilt combination walk-in refrigerator and freezer, model #V39RX086 X/X and much, much more!
Lots will be located at:
1340 N Great Neck Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23454
• 15% Buyer’s Premium discounted to 10% for payments made by cash or check.
• Cash, Approved Checks (must bring two valid picture IDs or your driver’s license address must be listed in the current phone book and match address on check for approval) and credit cards accepted (We do NOT accept AmEx).
• REMOVAL will be 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Wednesday, January 22, 2014. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.